Whether you have a lump sum to invest, wish to put money aside to cover future expenditure, such as school fees, or wish to invest to produce the additional income in retirement, we are able to advise and assist in setting up new investments on your behalf.
We can also undertake reviews of existing investments to comment on the suitability of them for your needs, as well as making any recommendations for new investments in line with your requirements.
We can discuss your needs in our initial fact finding meeting at our expense, when we will get an understanding of your current financial situation, your investment goals and also your attitude to risk, with the key points of that meeting being summarised in a letter to you, together with the indicative costs of us assisting you so you can decide whether you wish to proceed.
We are able to research and make recommendations on investment plans which would be suitable for your needs, as well as providing an optional ongoing investment service where we carry out annual reviews of your plan to ensure it remains suitable for your needs and to make any changes as necessary. Full details of the charges for our various services are included in the “Our Charges” tab.
We are also able to assist our clients in ensuring they have adequate arrangements to provide replacement income should they be unable to work through sickness, accident, disability or death and have access to the whole of the market in researching and recommending suitable products for your needs.
We are able to undertake a protection planning review to assess the current provision you have within any existing plans or, alternatively, through benefits you may have through your employment, as well as getting an understanding of your capital and income requirements should either you be unable to work through sickness, accident or on death.
The report would include recommendations for a package of protection designed to meet your needs for your consideration and may recommend taking no action, should your existing provision be sufficient for your needs.
We are also then able to deal with the implementation of any new plans on your behalf, including liaising with the providers as necessary to get your cover in place as soon as possible.